• The organisation has taken the first steps towards their reconciliation journey through the creation of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
  • The document has been externally validated by Reconciliation Australia
  • The Group commits to bridging the gap within their sphere of influence and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures within their organisation

ANL, a shipping company under the CMA CGM Group that specialises in moving cargo to/from Oceania and beyond, announces today the launch of their first Reconciliation Action Plan. The Group places great emphasis on promoting equality and diversity, as one of the Group’s ESG pillars is Acting for People.

An integral part of ANL & CMA CGM’s reconciliation journey is the creation of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a document that is a formal commitment that acts as a roadmap to how an organisation will implement the said commitment.

This is ANL & CMA CGM’s first RAP and thus is a Reflect type – the first step in Reconciliation Australia’s four step model. This type of RAP typically spans over 12 months and is suited to organisations that are at the beginning of their reconciliation journey. All RAPs align with Reconciliation Australia’s five key dimensions which include Race Relations, Equality and Equity, Institutional Integrity, Historical Acceptance and Unity.

When preparing this RAP the main points of reflection included:

  • What impact the organisation has on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Increase awareness of the importance of respect and acknowledgement of the histories and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • How the organisation will contribute to ongoing initiatives to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

An excerpt taken of commissioned artwork ‘Coming Together’ completed by Stan Yarramunua, a Yorta Yorta and Wathaurong man in collaboration with ANL and CMA CGM Agency staff in Melbourne.

Acting for People Through a RAP

A This RAP will lay down the foundations for a long-term journey. A chief goal for the plan is to build a ‘socially and culturally aware workplace’ to therefore ‘create a more inclusive one’.

To achieve this ANL & CMA CGM aim to educate, celebrate and create awareness of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander cultures. To integrate Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country into our business and commit to consulting with Traditional Owners or Custodians. They aim to increase their engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses across their supply chain and to develop a framework for a traineeship that aligns with the RAP’s intention.

Shane Walden, Managing Director of ANL says, ‘our ESG strategy includes three pillars, people, planet and fair trade. As part of our acting for people approach, our Reflect RAP gives us a platform to learn more about indigenous cultures and appreciate how we can build opportunities in the future’.
Marc Bourdon, Managing Director of CMA CGM Group Agencies – Oceania highlights that the ‘plan represents our commitment to reconciliation, diversity and community’ and helps us ‘seek to build respectful partnerships with the community on a local level and hopefully share what we learn with the broader shipping community.’

Furthermore, as outlined in the document, ANL strives to bridge the gap within their sphere of influence and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures within their organisation. They aim to cultivate a deeper understanding of the diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures within ANL and the shipping industry and to review and develop The Group’s recruitment processes, to improve employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
